Now Available at Serious Audio Video : Home Theater Furnishings from BDI
In 1984, Bill Becker had a vision of making great Design available to everyone. Frustrated by the ‘trade only’ distribution of the best designed contemporary home furnishings, Bill was inspired to build a company that could develop and manufacture Designs that would actually be accessible. Today, BDI has become a force in contemporary home furnishings and an industry leader in home theater furniture.
In BDI, you’ll find a collection of furniture pieces that are unique, functional and great looking. BDI Home Theater furniture is engineered to meet the demanding needs of today’s electronics, and do so while enriching the home and the home theater experience. BDI was the first to introduce innovations such as hidden wheels, adjustable shelves, cable management and flow-through ventilation as standard features. A BDI Home Theater system successfully merges functional innovation with original and exciting Design.
BDI wants the user to be as enriched by their furniture as they are in providing it. BDI’s packaging is thoughtfully designed to insure that everything arrives in the best possible condition showing once more how BDI sweats the details.
BDI hopes that you are inspired to look at Design in a new way, and to explore how good Design is more than simply looking good. True Design combines function, innovation, and style. For that has always been BDI’s passion.
BDI’s passion has always been for great design, but they have never lost site of the global community. BDI has always tried to offer products that are worthy of their cost… not only in terms of what BDI customers pay but also in terms of whether the resources to create that product can be justified. Designing products that are built to last, BDI has never chased fads to develop products that would be here today and gone tomorrow.
BDI’s designers believe in minimizing the company’s and their product’s impact on the environment. Committed to reducing energy usage, even while increasing productivity; recycling materials; and working with manufacturing facilities worldwide to take a green focus in all phases of operation. Wherever applicable, BDI strives to ensure that sustainable practices are in place.
BDI is committed to this ongoing effort to address the global challenges of sustainability.